
An olive leaf plucked from the Tree of Paradise


Audio Files

Holy Scriptures

Old Testament (King James Version, 67:49:05)

New Testament (King James Version, 21:25:22)

Book of Mormon (26:21:21)
Doctrine and Covenants (13:38:08)

Pearl of Great Price (03:04:33)

Other books

A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens, 03:24:41)

Our Search for Happiness (M. Russell Ballard, 04:17:54)


Gospel Principles (2010, 08:42:58)

Our Heritage (1996, 04:42:31)

Historical Records

Wilford Woodruff : Testimony (1897, 00:00:42)
Joseph F. Smith : Testimony (1917, 00:00:43)
Heber J. Grant : Testimony (00:01:11)
John A. Widtsoe : Four Cornerstones Upon Which to Build Greatness (1949, 00:35:51)
George Albert Smith : Speech (1950, 00:39:02)

John A. Widtsoe : Testimony (1950, 00:14:50)

Matthew Cowley : Miracles (1953, 00:42:17)
Hugh B. Brown : Profile of a Prophet (1955, 00:26:41)
Marion G. Romney : The Price of Peace (1959, 00:34:34)
Harvey Fletcher : Science and Religion (1960, 00:36:53)

Hugh B. Brown : Purity is Power (1962, 01:11:39)

Hugh Nibley : Who to Write an Antimormon-Book (1962, 00:48:37)

John F. Kennedy, USA President, at the Salt Lake Tabernacle (1963, excerpts, 00:01:15)

John F. Kennedy, USA President, at the Salt Lake Tabernacle (1963, full speech, 00:27:13)

Joseph Fielding Smith : My Missionary Experiences (1966, 00:32:28)

Hugh B. Brown : Christ-Jehovah-Messiah (1970, 00:37:16)

Marion G. Romney : How to Gain a Testimony (1971, 00:31:36)

Spencer W. Kimball : Absolute Truth (1977, 00:40:53)

Cleon Skousen : The Meaning of the Atonement (1980, 01:19:50)

LeGrand Richards : Missionary Experiences (1981, 00:37:35)

Gene R. Cook : The Eternal Nature of the Law of Chastity (1988, 00:39:48)

Ronald Reagan, USA President, about Mormons (00:00:25)

Royal Skousen : The Original And Printers Manuscripts (2013, 01:58:49)